I listen to maybe four bands, which explains why I don't know too much about Dune Rats other than that they're Australian, which is cool I guess, and that their latest single is elegantly entitled "Fuck It" and features artwork of a chillshades-sun throwing up two birds. Also cool, I guess. Otherwise, their sound is pretty meeehhh? And dude-on-the-left's quaint party hat? C'mon.
But this video totally absolves Dune Rats. Jesus Christ, what a concept. Sometimes less truly is more, even if that means sucking down plumes of haze out of makeshift Gatorade bongs for nearly three minutes without hardly ever coming up for air.
Everyone can stop trying, is what I'm getting at. If this is the end of the artform formerly known as the music video, then I say good riddance.
Reach Brian at brian@motherboard.tv. @thebanderson