Our roundup of the best and the worst on the network at the end of the world. See last week's here.
ONE: The NYTimes reinvents the webpage
And it’s beautiful. The Guardian's year-end review isn't too shabby either. Plus, 2012 in 50 GIFs.
ZERO: The Kickstarter backlash has begun
It was only a matter of time, after the once fledgling microfinance site started raising money in the tens of millions. But while 84 percent of the top funded projects are late, Kickstarter reminds us that it's a platform, not a marketplace.
ONE: Marijuana, not the pain killer we expected
Instead, it's a "pain distractor."
ZERO: Protest over racist apps
Racial stereotyping apps like 'Make Me Asian' and 'Make Me Indian' make their way into Google's marketplace because of the company's lax, open approach, and people are pissed.
ONE: NASA’s new spacesuit
Life imitating art. NASA's new Z-1 spacesuit prototype, designed for deep-space exploration, looks familiar.
ZERO: Instagram sells us out
They may have updated their terms of services after the initial backlash, but the Facebook owned entity is still desperately trying to monetize our pics.
ONE: Spider building a spider
Scientists have discovered spiders that build elaborate spider decoys in the Peruvian Amazon.
ZERO: Woman grows bones in her eyes after stem cell procedure
Woman wants a futuristic face-lift with stem cells. Instead, her eyes get clamped shut from the tiny bones growing in her eyelid and tissue surrounding her eye.
ONE: MIT discovers new states of matter and a new kind of magnetism
The new state, called quantum state liquid (QSL) exhibits a phenomenon called long-range entanglement.
ZERO: World freaks out over fiscal doomsday
Markets tank everywhere.
ZERO: A new generation of tech feuds
Twitter v. Facebook (and Instagram) is the new Apple v. Microsoft.
ONE: This octopus uses coconuts as self defense
ZERO: Copyright removal requests at Google search have increased tenfold since March
From 250,000 to 2.5 million.