(via Sascha Brauning)
Psychonauts rejoice: I have your new favorite website. But Does It Float is a Tumblr-esque art site that has been described as "an ongoing visual conversation" among creatives. In reality, the four-year-old project is most reminiscent of the kind of imagery your long-forgotten college weed dealer had tacked up on his dorm walls, brah.
via Malachi Ward
BDIF is side-project of Folkert Gorter and Atley Kasky, two LA-based designers who have worked on a variety of projects, from an independent creative research platform called SpaceCollective; to Cargo, a web publishing platform that calls itself 'a creative community participating in a constantly evolving visual culture'; to GOOD, an apparent art collective of sorts that also publishes a quarterly magazine.
via Bryan Olson
The website may be the smallest of this group's prolific output, but it is undoubtedly their most straightforward and visually stunning. The site posts photographs, drawings, collages and more with a focus on art that can best be described as an amalgam of Ryan McGinley's Moonmilk, Alex Gray, and what I can only imagine rejected stills from the 1981 animated cult film Heavy Metal look like. In other words, scrolling through BDIF is the web-equivalent of plunging headlong into the strangest of strangely dark K-holes.
In an interview with Art In America from 2009, the artists said But Does It Float was created to "organize and focus our meanderings around the Internet... We're essentially hanging images on the page, and in that sense it's a bit like a gallery." Or, a focused Tumblr with a purchased domain name, and even a Twitter account.
Above by Henrik Isaksson
The site promotes the work of a wide-range of artists, including Michael Cina, Ernesto Artillo, and countless others. Be warned, though--spend just a few minutes cruising the BDIF vortex and you may find your head spining 360 degrees amid sprays of burnt amber vomit.