My Bloody Valentine's 'm b v' Is a Triumph, But I Still Hate Kevin Shields
(via) It was like it was destined to simply never be a real, live, actual thing. After years of setbacks and hype, followed by even more years of setbacks and hype, over the weekend My Bloody...
View ArticleMy Bloody Valentine, Bowie, and the URL of Things to Come
This piece origianally ran on (Illustration: Marta Parszeniew) This weekend, My Bloody Valentine surprised the crap out of everyone by giving a day's notice of the release of an album that...
View ArticleDrones of New York Imagines Drone Art, Not Drone Doom
In 2015 commercial drone flights will be allowed in the United States, while over in the UK there are already 130 organizations that have permission to fly drones in UK airspace. The drone age is fast...
View ArticleSpacefood Packaging Is More Important Than You'd Think
Spacefood in the 1970s: warming trays holding packets of food. via Food is high on the list of things that make humans lousy space travelers. We need to eat a lot, especially if we’re doing things...
View ArticleThe Most-Watched Blackout in American History
Looks like Super Bowl XLVII set two distinct records last night--drawing a Nielsen rating of 48.1, or 48% of television viewers across the nation, it was, expectedly, the most-watched Super Bowl in...
View ArticleWatch a $40 Million Iranian Oil Rig Get Swallowed by the Sea
Oil rigs are extremely complicated pieces of technology, and they have the price tags to match. Rosneft, a Russian oil behemoth, is spending about $6 billion a piece for Arctic drilling rigs. Now, the...
View ArticleThe World Needs More Hatchet-Wielding Hobos
This is Kai, straight out of Dogtown. He's got nothing. He's lost track of his age. He's a chill ass dude, and just wants to surf, man. But for anyone out there planning to go berserk by claiming to...
View ArticleSouth Korea's 16-Bit Satellite Footage
Plenty of folks have given South Korea a hard time for taking three tries over four years to finally get a rocket to bring a satellite into orbit and for losing the space race with its demented...
View ArticleHow China's Grey Market Is Improving the iPhone Design
In China, iPhones aren't as cool as they used to be. Sure, China's a big market for Apple — its second biggest, actually — but it's not as frenzied as it once was. Unlike the early days of the iPhone...
View ArticleIf Covers of Literary Classics Were Marketed to the Facebook Cohort
So, UK publisher Faber released a 50th anniversary edition of The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath's classic meditation on descending into mental illness, and it decided to give the cover a bit of an update--by...
View ArticleA Music Video for the Internet: Spirit Guide's 'Holo C'
Via— Spirit Guide is a new solo project from ex-Dream Boat dreamboat Sina Sohrab, and his debut video, "Holo C" (directed by CGI shaman Theo Anthony) preserves the coiled energy of a trance...
View ArticleShame Is the Alcoholic's Worst Enemy
No matter how many times doctors tell us addiction is a disease, and no matter how many times we hear it, the stigma surrounding addiction persists. We insist on attributing it to a failure of will or...
View ArticleWatch Space Planes Nuke the U.S. in North Korea's Most Insanely Trollish...
North Korean propaganda has jumped its own shark. In what has to be its most insane video to date, a YouTube account linked to DPRK state media has published a video using early-90s vintage animation...
View ArticleChina's Self-Sustaining Man Is Cyberpunk in Real Life
He runs a custom electronics manufacturing outfit from his living room, grows organic vegetables in his garden, and even raises chickens and pigeons on his roof. It’s the kind of self-sufficiency that...
View ArticleChug Mescaline in this Chip-Tune Short
It's Tuesday goddamn morning, you're staring at a screen, your eyes burn, and that coffee isn't working. Maybe this will help? Not to say you should co-opt the ritualistic alkaloid that's been used by...
View ArticleFacebook's Doing Face Recognition Again and This Time America Doesn't Seem to...
It's been over three years since Facebook poked America in the eye with a new photo tagging feature that took advantage of some very scary technology: facial recognition. Put simply, Facebook added a...
View ArticleNASA Is Resurrecting the Most Powerful Rocket Engine Ever Built
The Saturn V launch, brought to you by five F-1 engines. When the first Saturn V launched on November 9, 1967, the combined 7.5 million pounds of thrust from the five F-1 engines shook the CBS news...
View ArticlePrepare To Be Even More Disappointed by 'Bang with Friends'
Have you ever spent a Friday night at home in bed, laptop on your knees, the sickly blue glow from the screen illuminating the room just enough to make the whole scene really, really creepy? Do you...
View ArticleGoogle Dodged the French Hyperlink Tax, But an Excerpt Tax Isn't a Bad Idea
Google just settled a contentious, high-profile dispute with French newspaper publishers, who wanted to charge the tech giant a "link tax" for including its articles in search results. Instead, Google...
View ArticleJack White Is Pressing His Next Record Project on Old Medical X-Rays
Another day, another unequivocally cool side project from Jack White and his boutique record label, Third Man Records—the place where vinyl fetishists can find things like tri-colored vinyl,...
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