Living Cells Can Now Be Used to Build a Computer
In the course of the past year, my mind's been blown so many times by breakthroughs in biotechnolgy that I wasn't even surprised when I read about a bunch of MIT researchers building a computer out of...
View ArticleThe Governor of Colorado Drank Halliburton’s Fracking Fluid For Some Reason
Ever wonder what fracking tastes like? The governor of Colorado doesn't. In order to prove just how safe the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing is, John Hickenlooper says he drank the stuff...
View ArticleMust Love Dogs Driving
Any writer worth his weight in paper will tell you that the first sentence is always the hardest one to write. There, I did it. Isn't it insane that we live in a world where dogs can drive? I love it....
View ArticleThe Middle East Lost Enough Water to Fill the Dead Sea in Just Seven Years
In the age of booming populations and changing climate, water scarcity is one of the most massive problems we humanfolk face. Especially those humanfolk who live in super arid regions like India and...
View ArticleFlirting, Back Rubs, Meat Gifts: How Animals Do Valentine's Day
Let's face it: Valentine's Day is stressful. Maybe you've been making eyes at a guy or gal, and it seems like time is right for some grand gesture. Or maybe you did the hard part, found someone great,...
View ArticleHow the New York Times Trained Us to Pay For News
I’ll admit it. I’ve stolen from the New York Times. It was so insanely easy. So easy, I’ve done it even as a paying customer. Why risk having your credentials keylogged on a public machine when all...
View ArticleFuture Sex: What We Talk About When We Talk About Love Addiction
In this cultural moment, it can seem like each week brings a new type of addiction to the forefront of media attention, usually in the form of a celebrity “endorsement.” It wasn’t so long ago that...
View ArticleThose Cute Little Sparrows Are Also Harbingers of Death
A bird can symbolize many things, depending on the bird. In Western culture, a dove may symbolize peace, the nightingale love and poetry. Other birds are harbingers of existential doom, like circling...
View ArticleThree More Rhino Horn Smugglers Busted in the US
Antique rhino horn cups like those above can easily be of dubious provenance, and are a target of smugglers. Via Finally, some good news on the wildlife trafficking front: Three men, including a...
View Article'Ecco the Dolphin' as a Psychedelic Screensaver
Ecco the Dolphin, the 1993 game for Sega Genesis, turns you into a bottlenose dolphin who travels through time to combat hostile aliens in Earth's oceans and on an alien spacecraft. I remember its...
View ArticleScanning the Future of 3D-Printed Sex Toys
Some of the imagery below is NSFW. Noah Kaplan is here to get his dick scanned. He gestures wildly, his bathrobe peeking open as he rapidly recounts why he's doing this, going on and off the record...
View ArticleTamagotchi Has Returned, Is Somehow Now a Pastel, Girls-Only Bummer
The Tamagotchi craze hit my elementary school right around the time of the yo-yo craze, and possibly because she was trying to find any way for me to make friends, my mom bought me both. The yo-yo...
View ArticleThat New York Times Reporter Was Against Electric Cars Before He Ever Test...
Tesla takes on the New York Times, and what a sexy story—longstanding Grey Lady reporter takes down everyone’s favorite plucky electric car startup, high-profile CEO of said startup personally fires...
View ArticleWhat Does Obama Know About 3D-Printed Guns?
It's been exactly two months since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and the once-raging debate over gun control has slowed to a sputter. It's not so much that people aren't talking about...
View ArticleAmerica Won't Float Its Giant Terrifying Spy Blimp Over Afghanistan After All
Apologies Afghanistan, it appears that you will not have the pleasure of a 100-meter spy blimp floating over you, observing in detail the minutia of your citizens’ daily lives. Too bad. Inside Defense...
View ArticleThe Science of Dating Sites Isn't Real Science
Have you ever tried OKCupid? It's horrible. From the moment you fill out the first field on your profile to the moment you leave your keyboard to meet a date, the experience is filled with vanity,...
View ArticleThe Pure, Random Energy of Humans in Mosh Pits
Ah, that incomparable moment in a giant mosh pit when control is totally lost, when it's just a beautiful mess of pushing and shoving and sweat and negative personal space. Beautiful, you wonder? Yes,...
View ArticleTrain Your Boyfriend Like the Animal That He Is
For most of my adult life, I’ve been a journalist. But, in 2010, I decided I needed a change. So, I put down my pen and picked up some poop bags. There is not a clear career path for wannabe dog...
View ArticleThe Flaming Meteor that Terrified Russia and Injured Hundreds, as Seen on...
Updated 11:45 am: While the world waits for an asteroid large enough to destroy a city to graze the orbits of our television satellites, citizens of Central Russia were greeted early Friday morning by...
View ArticleNew Bionic Eye Can Make You Just Like the Terminator
Remember in the original Terminator when the cyborg assassin played by Arnold Schwarzenegger gets part of his face blown off? Remember how his humanoid eye is all janky and he has to cut it out of his...
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