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Piracy as a Kind of Freedom: A Review of a Pirated Copy of the Pirate Bay Movie


After the Pirate Bay's founders were convicted in 2009, hundreds took to the streets in Stockholm

The Pirate Bay is, as its name suggests, one of the leading ports of trade for BitTorrents. At one point it represented fifty percent of torrent traffic, which earned it the attention of the U.S. government and Hollywood, which perceived it as a sign of a softening notion of copyright, and a threat to an established, if rapidly aging business.

An interesting new documentary about the site, TPB AFK, premiered at the Berlin Film Festival last week, but naturally, it's already available for completely sanctioned free download on the Pirate Bay. It's available in more traditional commercial forms--DVD, YouTube stream, paid download--too. Funded through Kickstarter, the film is also licensed under a Creative Commons license, allowing fans to share and remix however they like. This should give some sense of the sympathies of director Simon Klose, as he aims to depict the legal adversity the founders of the site have faced from Sweden’s prosecutors, who for years have also served as proxies for the interests of the American entertainment industry. 

The basics are now a part of Internet history: after a high-profile raid in 2006 and a steady stream of cease-and-desist warnings from law offices representing the copyright owners of torrented material, TPB's founders—Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij (TiAmo), Gottfrid Svartholm (anakata) and more peripherally Carl Lundström—found themselves in court in 2009, facing tens of millions in fines, and up to a year in prison.

Pirate Bay co-founders Fredrik Neij, left, Gottfrid Svartholm, centre, and Peter Sunde. (Bob Strong/Reuters)

The film (the title stands for "The Pirate Bay - Away From Keyboard") does a good job of outlining the legal case that was mounted against TPB, and it lands some hard punches on the Swedish government. We learn of improprieties such as a policeman involved in the TPB investigation who was later hired by a major movie studio, which exponentially increased his income. We learn, also, of accusations of bias against Tomas Norström, the judge who ruled during TPB’s original conviction in 2009 (it was later appealed, unsuccessfully), who failed to inform the court of his association to copyright protection groups, like the Svenska föreningen för industriellt rättsskydd (Swedish Association for the Protection of Industrial Property) and the Svenska föreningen för upphovsrätt (Swedish Copyright Association). The latter group counts among its members Henrik Pontén, Peter Danowsky and Monique Wadsted--all lawyers on the prosecuting side against TPB in 2009.

The film doesn't avoid the claims made against TPB, including the accusation that its founders were operating a purely commercial ploy, and profiting by enabling copyright infringement. In its 2009 trial, the prosecution estimated that TPB was generating over $1.4 million in advertisements per year, a figure its founders scoff at. Also featured is Sweden’s first “Pirate Party,” which at first is closely intertwined with TPB and its court battle, but, as years of litigation drag on, seems to move on to larger aspirations beyond a flag-clad, graffitied school bus, eventually landing a few seats in the European Parliament.

Equally interesting is TPB AFK’s brief glimpse at the pressure put on witnesses who appear to support the concept of peer-to-peer file sharing and question how hurtful copyright infringement is to the industry bottom line. In one scene, the prosecution casts doubt on the credentials of Professor Roger Wallis, an academic who appears in the 2009 court case to address questions of illegal file-sharing on the movie and music industries. In response, Wallis snaps back “Do you know how to use Google? Then it’s really simple to find my CV.” Outside of the courtoorm, Wallis huffs, “I think it’s sick to attack the academic world like this."

The film looks and sounds like a rallying cry for a freer and, one hopes, saner internet, which it was presumably meant to be. But it shies away from the obvious question: is piracy more than glorified stealing? The founders of Pirate Bay sincerely believe in the freedom of their users, even if it feels like we're really talking about providing people with a near-infinite supply of free movies and music. 

In the end, what’s most valuable about the new documentary is the insight it gives into the personal lives of TPB’s three core founders, all of whom seem altruistically committed to the concept of free file sharing and guerrilla copyright reform. What the three protagonists of this documentary constantly expound upon is the diffuse, chaotic nature of TPB -- if people only realized that the entire project is essentially an IRC chat room, remarks Neij. But is that really the case? Though the documentary is light on some specifics, it does show that the trio is fearlessly adept at keeping the lights on, eventually migrating TPB’s servers into an unabashedly fantastic “server cave” near Malmö in southern Sweden, the same datacenter used by Wikileaks. Likewise, the documentary hints at Gottfrid Svartholm's association with Wikileaks, which likely accounted for the all-out effort to locate and deport him back to Sweden from Cambodia last year. 

The Pirate Bay shares server space with Wikileaks in this “server cave” near Malmö in southern Sweden.

There’s a tenuous balance between piracy and copyright at work today -- on one side, the massive amount of illegal file sharing that first began to blossom during the dawn of Napster and p2p, and on the other side, a cluster of DRM technologies and online streaming portals operated in conjunction with the interests of the entertainment industry. (Netflix's new original show "House of Cards" points to the service's increasing influence in TV land, but so too does its ugly, net-unneutral attempt to squeeze Internet service providers who don't want to deliver its HD content.) Guys like Sunde, Neij and Svartholm believe that traditional forms of copyright are obsolete and oppressive, and that the entertainment industry’s attempts to lob legal cases against free file sharing are futile.

Whether you subscribe to TPB’s anarchic beliefs for a free-wheeling internet or not, it’s worth noting that the Bay is still up and running, one of the convicted founders, Neij, is still avoiding jail time in Laos, and it’s safe to say that very little of the court-ordered fines have been recovered. Meanwhile, the film is making its own piracy arguments, at least for giving people download options: it's already racked up 2,700 ten-dollar paid downloads, earning it $32,000 in just a few days. 


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