Prepare for the Snowpocalypse with Every James Bond Snow Scene Ever
Nemo, the latest DOOMSTORM to frighten New York City's legions of transplants from gentler climes, is here and so far, it's been less Ernest Shackleton and more the bummer Florida rain scenes from...
View ArticleThe Tiny Dad Meme Is Psychologically Twisted
When Freud coined the term “Oedipus Complex,” he had a pretty grizzly referent in mind. You know the story. It’s by a guy named Sophocles about a guy named Oedipus who sleeps with his mother, kills...
View ArticleEven More Morbid Alternatives to the Transport Worker's Union's Bloody...
Image via Transport Workers Union (TWU) will began distributing fake blood-covered "Metro(death)Cards" this week in an attempt to channel attention to the rise in subway-related deaths over the past...
View ArticleSir David Attenborough Comforting a Blind Baby Rhino Is So Overwhelmingly...
I've long had a special place in my heart for rhinos, and doubly so in recent times as they've increasingly come into peril from poachers and the wildlife trade. But this is just taking it to another...
View ArticleAmerica's 'Secret' Drone Base in Saudi Arabia Is Growing
If these sattelite images indeed show the US's clandestine drone base in remote Saudi Arabia, they suggest not only that a handful of top-tier media outlets long kept mum on the existence of the place...
View ArticleWatson, the Jeopardy-Winning Computer, Will Help Doctors Fight Cancer with Data
We already know that IBM's Watson supercomputer is smarter than humans — at Jeopardy at least. But is it smarter than the collective knowledge base that is the world's best oncologists and cancer...
View ArticleFox News' Anti-Solar Propaganda Hits a New Low and Goes Viral
For over a decade now, Fox News has been engaged in a perpetual propaganda-laden war against anything its management perceives as liberal. So: Obama, climate science, minorities, Joe Biden, Planned...
View ArticleThe Future is Here: Firemen Are Now Sworn In With iPads Running Bible Apps
A picture is worth a thousand digitally uploaded words, they say, and this one speaks volumes: Snapped in the middle of a swearing-in ceremony for Atlantic City's new fire captain, it depicts what...
View ArticleApple's Rumored iWatch Could Be Your Own Personal Surveillance Machine
There are a lot of useless goons out there on the Internet trying to tell you what Apple's doing next. They're the fanboys that posted all those blurry pictures of fake iPhone 5 cases on their fanboy...
View ArticleUsed Ebooks, the Ridiculous Idea that Could Also Destroy the Publishing Industry
Amazon has a patent to sell used ebooks. When I first scanned that headline, I thought it must be some Onion-esque gag, and I'm sure I wasn't alone. Used e-books? As in, rumpled up, dog-eared pdfs?...
View ArticleCreating Movies that React at the New Cinema Hackathon
Originally published at The Creator's Project. Cinema as a reactive experience is what’s explored in the latest installation from one of the teams at our New Cinema hackathon, which took place at the...
View ArticleWhat Computer-Powered High Frequency Trading Looks and Sounds Like
There was nothing very surprising about the news that the Kansas City Board of Trade will be shuttered this July, as the new owner of the 150-year-old trading floor--the central exchange for red...
View ArticleWe're Going to Get Buzzed by an Asteroid Post-Valentine's Day
This isn't going to happen on Friday, February 15, 2013. via Unfortunately for doomsdayers, the world isn’t going to end this week when an asteroid come close to the Earth. But it is going to be one...
View ArticleYou Can Help Name Pluto's Newly-Discovered Moons
The Pluto system, as imaged by Hubble in July 2012. Via Despite being handed dwarf planet status in 2006, Pluto is still a fairly large body that's host to at least five moons. It's also, by virtue of...
View ArticleLA Cop Christopher Dorner Is Not the First American to Be Hunted by Drones on...
For all we know, it could be happening right now--high above the pine line a robot hovers, looking down. On suspicions that at-large cop vigilante Christopher Dorner is holed up east of Los Angeles in...
View ArticleThe Pope's Historic Early Retirement Is Clearly Twitter's Fault
The papacy is apparently supposed to be treated like a life sentence with no parole, because the world is losing its shit over the fact that the pope is retiring. At 85. He's the first pope to retire...
View ArticleVideo: James Blake's Grown-Up-Sounding Techno Booty Jam "Retrograde"
The surrealist video for James Blake's new single, "Retrograde" features burning things and floating people and James crooning in front of the camera. A new album comes out in April, the first new one...
View ArticlePiracy as a Kind of Freedom: A Review of a Pirated Copy of the Pirate Bay Movie
After the Pirate Bay's founders were convicted in 2009, hundreds took to the streets in Stockholm The Pirate Bay is, as its name suggests, one of the leading ports of trade for BitTorrents. At one...
View ArticleWhy Internet Access in the U.S. Is Slow and Expensive: There's No Competition
Damaged infrastructure in post-Sandy Manhattan. Via The Verge It feels like there's a rising tide of awareness and frustration with just how comically slow and expensive Internet access is in the...
View ArticleThis Rainproof Park Bench Should Have Been Invented a Hundred Years Ago
We've really blown it in the outdoor bench department, humans. We've been sitting around--or not sitting around--on damp park benches for centuries now, when there's an obvious low-tech design fix...
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