Atomic Scientists Say World Leaders Are Hypocrites: They Bluster About Iran...
The hands of doom tick closer to midnight, friends, but that looming specter is no longer a mushroom cloud. Surely you know by now that the mother of the 21st century apocalypse is climate change. Our...
View ArticleWhy Beck Didn't Record His New Album
Instead of recording his new album, Beck Hansen put his new songs on paper only, leaving us to surf YouTube to hear it, giving us free license to play around with his notation too. Strange, in part...
View ArticleThe Inevitable Crapness of 2013
So I'm sitting there with a rare opportunity to watch some television, and I find something in the guide I want to watch (seriously, why don't TV remotes have QWERTY keyboards, or even predictive text...
View Article'Her Ghost' Is What La Jetée Looks Like in the Future
In 1962, the pioneering French experimenter Chris Marker irrevocably altered the landscape of modern cinema with a film made up solely of still photos. Part essay and part story, La Jetée examines the...
View ArticleAn Idiot's Guide to Investing in Solar Power
Let's say you're one of those people with more than a couple bucks in your bank account. One of those people who likes to "invest" in stuff, thereby allowing the amount of money you already possess to...
View ArticleAgainst All Odds and Common Sense Eric Schmidt Is Looking at Things in North...
At Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung University, Eric Schmidt looks at computers It's unclear how he got his plane ticket or who let him through customs — cash helps on both counts — but Eric Schmidt arrived in...
View ArticleChina's Famous Fearless Bloggers: Steve Maing Explores the Netizen 'High Tech...
“I used to be a nobody,” says a voice. “Until I discovered the internet.” So begins High Tech, Low Life, a documentary about two Chinese bloggers who enjoy mini celebrity in China as citizen...
View ArticleTech Support: How To Fight the Winter SADs Without Those Dorky Lamps
There’s something cartoonishly bleak about using an LED lamp to combat feeling mopey during the winter season. One imagines a poor schmuck struggling to get out of bed, turning on the switch of his...
View ArticleLetter from CES: Your Car Will One Day Be Driven by Your Phone
CES isn't a car show, and the huge presence of major manufacturers might seem a bit out of place. But, as car dorks always lament, cars these days are less about how well they drive and more about how...
View ArticleAaron Swartz's Tragic Battle With Copyright
Aaron H. Swartz, one of our most vigorous champions of open access and copyright reform, committed suicide in New York City on Friday at the age of 26. He was a pioneer and a renegade, part of the...
View ArticleWhy Aren't Tablet Gaming Peripherals More Popular?
While mobile accessories and tablets dominated CES more than anything else, I was surprised to only find a pair of companies selling gaming peripherals for tablets. Two obvious caveats apply: CES...
View ArticleFaking It Till You Make It Actually Works
To build confidence, try acting like this guy. Image via The Justice Bulletin Fake it till you make it. It’s good advice for young people entering the soul-sucking world of competitive job markets....
View ArticleDrones Are Sniffing Out Illegal Logging in Madagascar
They're buzzing high over seal pods in Alaska. They're flying across Africa as means to protect critically endangered herds of white rhino. They're inadvertently dropping in on moose in Norway. More...
View ArticleGoogle Has $1 Billion Riding on Clean Energy
Told you this was going to be an epic year for wind power. Google just announced that it has sunk $200 million into a Texas wind farm, the 161 megawatt capacity Spinning Spur Wind Project. The clean...
View ArticleOnes and Zeros: Prosecutors Rejected Aaron Swartz's Plea Last Week, Beijing's...
Zero: Prosecutors rejected Aaron Swartz's request for a plea bargain last week A plea deal offered by Aaron Swartz's lawyer was rejected last week, shortly before he commited suicide. With the...
View ArticleDroning On About Gun Control
OK, so this might seem a little odd at first look, but hear me out: Last week, I mentioned DroneNet, a notion by John Robb concerning the possibility of using drones for incredibly fast deliveries...
View ArticleThe Great Burmese Python Hunt of 2013
While a big chunk of the country is embroiled in a political and philosophical discussion about the role of guns in civil society and the role of government in regulating those guns--some are even...
View ArticleApple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon Are Worth $1 Trillion, but Only 150,000...
Look. Robots are displacing human workers around the world, and even the world's biggest tech companies aren't creating enough other jobs to even the scales. Below, 60 Minutes rounds up some of the...
View ArticleThe Upside of a Giant Gadget Fair
Having finally escaped Vegas and cleared the red fog of gadget blogging from my brain, I have to admit that I enjoyed CES more than I expected. Sure, it's crowded and bewildering and stressful and you...
View ArticleNASA Is Close to Sending Inflatable Spacecraft to Orbit
NASA's long harbored the curious notion that space travel can be made cheaper and more efficient through the use of inflatable space habitats. I call the idea curious because an "inflatable space...
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