I Was Sterilized By the Swedish Government
In Sweden, the unbigoted wonderland where everything from kids' toys to the way people piss is a matter of freedom and gender equality, forced sterilisation for transgender people getting realignment...
View ArticleA Case for Developing 35mm Film That's Gone Unused for Years
Classic 35mm film and some of its longest-standing champions, namely Kodak, are in a bit of an identity crisis. Shit just isn't black and white, anymore. So for all you photography dweebs out there,...
View ArticleGood News, Everybody: That Asteroid Will Not Hit Earth in 2036
While it may be hard to feel relief for something you knew nothing about, those over at NASA who did know are probably all wiping their brows, saying “phew!” and confidently booking vacations for 25...
View ArticleAlaska's Giant Geodesic Igloo Hotel is Crumbling Away
Some 180 miles outside of Anchorage, Alaska, there's a towering blob of a structure speckled with dormer windows and practically falling down. A craggy mountain range towers behind it, and it's...
View ArticleSugar Control Damage Control: Coke's New TV Ads Preach Responsible Drinking
As the biggest beverage company in the world, Coca Cola has exercised its power in recent years to burnish its image by doing good things. A few years ago, for instance, it launched a responsibility...
View ArticleI Hate That I Love 'Far Cry 3'
I’m not a fan of the first-person shooter. That wasn’t always the case. A short time after the death of the LAN party, back in the early days of Xbox Live, I was promised connection--that my Xbox and...
View ArticleFacebook Trumps the Face
It’s happened to us all: You’re face to face with someone who’s name just isn’t coming, mangling quotes from Shakespeare, but you know with perfect clarity who has the ugliest kids on Facebook and the...
View ArticleThe Biggest Things in the Universe
When thinking about big things, very big things, the parable of the blind men and the elephant is instructive: each of the men feels for a part of the elephant. "It's a wall"; "It's a rope"; "a tree":...
View ArticleWill Extreme Air Pollution Slow the Chinese Economy?
China's impressive economic growth has been fueled by a wealth of factors, one of which is a rather nonexistent view of environmental regulation. That China is willing to raze mountains (as is the US,...
View ArticleChina's Nuclear Rover Will Sample the Moon
A concept of China's moon lander, via China.com.cn There are rumblings around the Internets that China is getting ready to join the elite club of nations with rovers on other worlds. Yes, China is...
View ArticleObama Denied the Death Star, But He Still Spends Billions on Star Wars
Everybody loves the White House’s tongue-in-cheek response to the petition demanding it build a Death Star—it’s clever, endearingly nerdy, and comes replete with a couple bona fide lols. But the...
View ArticleHow Shady Is OkCupid's New Blind Dating App?
The world of online dating has been pushing boundaries for years now. First, it was invented. That seemed like a radical thing back in the 1990s, and people didn't trust online personals much more...
View ArticleThe Vicious Cycle: Experiencing Violence as a Kid Can Rewire Your Brain to...
Decades before Adam Lanza shot 26 kids and teachers at a school in Newtown, Conn., before James Holmes killed 12 people and injured 70 more at movie theater in Aurora, Colo., and before Eric Harris...
View ArticleVideo: Endangered Spoon-Billed Sandpiper Chicks Are Tragically Cute
The spoon-billed sandpiper is beautiful, reddish shorebird from northeast Russia that's critically endangered and whose population has plummeted in recent years. The little birds have extremely...
View ArticleIn the Public Fury Against Aaron Swartz's Prosecutors, Calls for Reform
In the days since Aaron Swart'z suicide last Friday, increasingly unsettling details have emerged about the federal prosecution team that aggresively pursued felony charges against him. Those that are...
View ArticleThe Myth of the Prosumer: Nobody Really Thinks Brands Trump Politics
It’s the great recurring corporate dream of the web 2.0 age: That people are giving up on politics and forgetting about basic governance in lieu of becoming “good consumers.” That people are turning...
View ArticleEVE Online, Offline: Meet the Geeks Living Inside an Interstellar Virtual War
We'd been hearing about EVE, the massively popular multiplayer online game, for a while now, but still had hardly any idea what the hype was all about. What happens in the EVE universe? And what...
View ArticleChina Itself Is the Product Placement in the Next Wave of Hollywood Films
China is fast becoming lucrative market for American movies—the number of middle class leisure-seekers is multiplying, as are the nation’s cineplexes. Financial backing now often comes directly from...
View ArticleDid You Remember to Log Out?
Remember that time you left your MySpace account logged in when you were checking your comments at a friend's house? The next time you logged in, your sexual orientation had been reversed, your...
View ArticleThis Is What the Urban Dictionary Looks Like on Google Images
Urban Dictionary and Google Images, a killer combination. Above, the first Google Image result for "killer combination." Earlier this year, London-based artist, Ben West, designed a pretty dope...
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