Libertarians Are Building a Castle Around Their City of Guns In Rural Idaho
The American gun myth ends at a wall. Specifically, it's a tall, stone wall adorned with condos on its inner edge, like post-apocalyptic cliff dwellings, and beyond that, is another wall. It surrounds...
View ArticleJust Look at These Hot Young Stars
Well, looks like it's tiime to bust out celestial cigars. The ESO, a sort of European NASA that includes Brazil, has captured pictures of a dark cloud, 600 light years away, where new stars are...
View ArticleI Met Shoenice and Fed Him a Bottle of Glue
I didn't blink. When Chris Schewe–known by his YouTube followers as Shoenice–wagged a bottle of carpenter's glue at me and asked if I'd like to be the one to feed it to him for one of his stunt...
View ArticleFacebook Will Make Search Better, But Only If You Like It
“Come see what we’re building,” read the coy invite Facebook sent out to reporters for its mystery announcement Tuesday. In the end, it came down to one magic, if predictable, word: search. After the...
View ArticleEnterprising Developer Partially Outsources Job in Bid to Browse Reddit All...
Admit it: If you could get away with paying someone a fraction of your paycheck to do your job for you, you probably would. Telemarketing firms, IT companies and major manufacturers have been pulling...
View ArticleSpaced Out: Making Music With the Sun
Sonification is a simple concept: translating information into sound. A synthesizer could be considered a form of sonification: taking a predetermined electrical frequency and mating it with a speaker...
View ArticleChicago Can't Shake Its Poison Curse
The latest victim in the Windy City's dark history of poisonings Had it happened anywhere else, it would've been a far less bitter pill to swallow. When autopsy results came back late last year on...
View Article150 Things the World's Smartest People Are Afraid Of
Every year, the online magazine Edge--the so-called smartest website in the world--asks the top scientists, technologists, writers, and academics to weigh in on a single question. This year, that...
View ArticleHow to Make a Game in 2013: Putting the Band Together
Telling people how to make video games is easy enough. It’s not as simple as reading a book and putting your mind to it, or using the plethora of free tools available on the internet, as you may have...
View ArticleElectronics Update: New Semiconductors Could Improve Efficiency by Half
Congratulations. If you’re reading this, you are among the 0.05% of the internet community that concerns itself with things like efficiency in computers and consumer electronics. And so you should—the...
View ArticleGenetically, Some of Us Never Have Body Odor, But We Still Think We're Smelly
Image via Tumblr I don’t know of a delicate way to put this, buddy, but you’re kinda smelly. That hippie deodorant-crystal thing you rub on your pits every third day isn’t cutting it, bro. You need...
View ArticleLet the Commander of the International Space Station Give You a Guided Tour
I want to go to space again. I used to want to go because I was a child, and aspiring to be an astronaut was my ticket to the sci-fi fantasy world that my imagination conjured up as a proxy for any...
View ArticleJust a 14-Year Timelapse of US Weather Data Scored by Beethoven
If only Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.5 in Eb Major would cue up every time I get caught walking in the rain, which of late has proven to be quite often. Until then, I've got this thing to tide...
View ArticleListen to a Woman Play a Cello Duet with Her Own Brain
At its core, music is nothing more than a data stream. It's the result of oscillations in frequency and volume of soundwaves produced by an instrument that, when played by the right person, sounds...
View ArticleDopamine Drugs Are Turning Parkinson's Patients Into Picassos
Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter, one whose functions is myriad and includes motor control, pleasure response, and habit reinforcement. Levels of dopamine in the brain have long been linked...
View ArticleAnybody Else Think a Sin Tax on Video Games Is a Bad Idea?
Attempts to link violent video games to violent behavior just won't go away. And thanks to President Obama's new $10 million initiative to investigate the matter, it's not going to go away any time...
View ArticleA Sugar Daddy Dating Site Lets Coeds Find Rich Old Men to Pay Their Tuition
College tuition is getting steeper every year, particularly at cash-strapped public and state universities. Many of you might be thinking about jumping on the MOOC bandwagon and taking advantage of...
View ArticleHuman Society Must Reduce Carbon Emissions to "Near Zero" by 2060 or Face...
If we are to prevent global average temperatures from rising above 2 degrees Celsius, then humankind must do much more to reduce worldwide greenhouse gas emissions than previously believed. Which is...
View ArticleVideo: The Snake Lover Who Mainlines Toxic Venom
The hemotoxins in a tree viper's venom attack human blood cells and can result in an agonizing death in less than 30 minutes. The neurotoxins in a cobra bite can kill a person in half that time. So...
View ArticleNetflix Is Holding ISPs Hostage over HD Streaming
Netflix just gave net neutrality the middle finger. The video streaming service announced at the Consumer Electronics Show that it would start blocking high definition and 3D stream access to any ISPs...
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