America's Leaders Don't Know How We'll Adapt to Climate Change
Image: Cindeka Nealy, Climate change, and the more volatile weather brought with it, isn't something that's on its way in a few decades. The effects of change are already affecting the...
View ArticleWhy Did American Airlines Have to Rebrand Itself?
"And so it is... you said it would be." It's definitely an emotional moment, so some Damien Rice is necessary while I process American Airlines' rebrand announcement page. After some...
View ArticleAffair of the Wolf, Reviewed: The Best Paranormal Werewolf Erotica SEO on...
“No one knows the darkness that exists deep down in all of us. No one knows that the further you delve into the depths of our dreams and desires and secrets that, past the petty hopes of an everyday...
View ArticleRemembering What You Read on the Internet Is Harder than You Think
Image via Emailogic A new study released by researchers at UC San Diego and the University of Warwick this week suggests that people remember Facebook posts astoundingly better than they remember...
View ArticleThe EPA Axed a Fracking Study After an Oil Company Complained
One day, Steve Lipsky of Fort Worth noticed that his home's well water was bubbling–like champagne, as he described it. It turned out to be chock full of methane, so full that he could light a running...
View ArticleBehind the Burqa of Drone Fashion
Adam Harvey made a drone-proof burqa. The New York-based artist, in collaboration with New York designer Johanna Bloomfield, created a line called Stealth Wear that offers garments created from...
View ArticleThe Army Just Rolled Out the Biggest Low Concentration Solar Plant in the World
The most powerful proponent of clean energy in the nation isn't any bleeding heart environmental group or a massive private investor in green tech, but the U.S. military. The Navy is driving major...
View ArticleNepal Is So Good at Conservation, It Has to Cap Endangered Species Growth
Image via Getty When the world's charismatic mammals–rhinos, elephants, tigers, lions, oh my–have all seen periods of decline in the last decade, it's hard to find bright spots when it comes to...
View ArticleMegadroughts Have Been Killing the Amazon for 8 Years Now
In 2005, a massive drought struck the Amazon--the largest, most verdant and vital rainforest on the planet. A full 270,000 square miles of old growth forest were wracked by severe drought. Trees died,...
View ArticleIs This the Real Joaquín "el Chapo" Guzmán?
Image via Cortesia / Agencia Reforma I recently received an anonymous tip on a piece I wrote last year that catalogued some of the ingenious narco-smuggling tech used by Guzmán, the world's most...
View ArticleNASA Lasered the Mona Lisa to the Moon
Render of the LRO, via Wiki Commons NASA used lasers to beam a picture of Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the Mona Lisa to a spacecraft in lunar orbit. Cool, right? But it’s not the art in question...
View ArticleNosaj Thing Made a Space Leisure Track with Toro y Moi
Image via Tristan Martin Nosaj Thing is supposed to release his sophomore album, called Home, sometime next week. As a little teaser to build buzz on these old interwebz, he released the closing track...
View ArticleFracking Is Dragging the Amish Into the Ugly Modern World
Think of a society that rejects modern technology, and you're probably thinking Amish. The loosely-knit group of traditionalist Christians remains a reliable fixture of our cultural fascination...
View ArticleHow to Start an Internet Revolution, in Three Easy Steps
The fury's in the air again. Friday marks the one year anniversary of Internet Freedom Day, the culmination of the weeks-long protest against SOPA and PIPA, the potentially-oppressive anti-piracy...
View ArticleWas Lance Armstrong Taking Jerk-Enhancing Drugs?
The interview that Lance Armstrong gave to Oprah Winfrey was a masterful slice of a never-ending sports-fabulism spectacle, and while it made for good at times, it was also nearly infuriating to...
View ArticleDestroying an Entire Room with a Baseball Bat Is Probably Not Bad for You
I hope everyone involved with the movie Office Space is rich enough to retire at this point. According to Box Office Mojo, which tracks the amount of money made by films, Office Space barely broke...
View ArticleThe World's Largest Natural Sound Library Is Now Fully Online
The Macaulay Library contains nearly 175,000 recordings of life on Earth, dating back almost a century. Digitizing the library's audio collection, based at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, took 12...
View ArticleKim Dotcom's New Venture Sounds Too Good to Be True
Mega sounds like a data hoarders dream: A new cloud-based storage site that offers 50 gigabytes of storage for free. For $39.95 a month, you can upgrade to the top tier plan that gives you four...
View ArticleCIA Drones Have Free Rein in Pakistan for the Next Year
John Brennan, Obama's top counterterrorism adviser and CIA-chief nominee, is the architect of the US's new drone "playbook" (via) Not like the spy agency's hunter-killer drones weren't already...
View ArticleIf Apple's 4.8-Inch iPhone Is Called the iPhone Math, I'll Eat Paste
Do you feel warm and fuzzy inside? If so, it's probably due to the swirling maelstrom of iPhone rumors that are once again swaddling the jittery tech world like an anxiety blanket sewn out of a...
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