Atomic Scientists Say World Leaders Are Hypocrites: They Bluster About Iran...
The hands of doom tick closer to midnight, friends, but that looming specter is no longer a mushroom cloud. Surely you know by now that the mother of the 21st century apocalypse is climate change. Our...
View ArticleWhy Beck Didn't Record His New Album
Instead of recording his new album, Beck Hansen put his new songs on paper only, leaving us to surf YouTube to hear it, giving us free license to play around with his notation too. Strange, in part...
View ArticleThe Internet of Things and the Inevitable Crapness of 2013
So I'm sitting there with a rare opportunity to watch some television, and I find something in the guide I want to watch (seriously, why don't TV remotes have QWERTY keyboards, or even predictive text...
View ArticleAn Idiot's Guide to Investing in Solar Power
Let's say you're one of those people with more than a couple bucks in your bank account. One of those people who likes to "invest" in stuff, thereby allowing the amount of money you already possess to...
View ArticleTech Support: How To Fight the Winter SADs Without Those Dorky Lamps
There’s something cartoonishly bleak about using an LED lamp to combat feeling mopey during the winter season. One imagines a poor schmuck struggling to get out of bed, turning on the switch of his...
View ArticleChina's Famous Fearless Bloggers: Steve Maing Explores the Netizen 'High Tech...
“I used to be a nobody,” says a voice. “Until I discovered the internet.” So begins High Tech, Low Life, a documentary about two Chinese bloggers who enjoy mini celebrity in China as citizen...
View ArticleAgainst All Odds and Common Sense Eric Schmidt Is Looking at Things in North...
At Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung University, Eric Schmidt looks at computers It's unclear how he got his plane ticket or who let him through customs — cash helps on both counts — but Eric Schmidt arrived in...
View ArticleHow America's New Top Soldier and Spy Will Define the Drone War
John O. Brennan, Obama's pick to head up the CIA, is droning on, but watching his words (via) Early this morning, eight Pakistani militants were reportedly killed in the latest unmanned aerial attack....
View ArticleAirbnb: "We Can't Possibly Keep Up With the Law"
So it turns out that more than half of all of short-term home rentals available on AirBnB are illegal. Yes, half. A recent investigation by the folks at Skift revealed that these offerings are in...
View ArticleWhy Is China Beating the U.S. at Its Own "Clean" Nuclear Technology?
Nuclear power has kind of a bum rap in Asia at the moment. Given the fact that countries like China don't have the same long storied history with nuclear research that we do here in the United...
View ArticleThere Is No Escape: Zorbing Is Absolutely Terrifying
It's something out of Faces of Death, only it comes under the weight of a stock-still realization that the doomed are utterly helpless. The camera's distance--it's just as chilling to put yourself...
View Article"Rogue" Geoengineers Could Hack the Planet's Climate and Ruin Everything,...
It's like the opposite of the ultimate Bond villainy: imagine a "rogue" nation-state or a wealthy philanthropist with the ability to launch a massive geo-engineering experiment in a last-ditch effort...
View ArticleThe Seductive Allure of Neuroskepticism
Skepticism is in these days. A critical stance with regard to the means and ends of modern technoscience seems more prudent now than it did back when science was devoted to building a house that...
View ArticleHybrids Are the Future, Even on Titan
Of all the planets and moons we’ve landed on, Titan might be the coolest. The Huygens probe landed on the Saturnian moon in January 2005, sending back yellow-tinged pictures of weathered rocks from...
View ArticleA Brief History of How War Gets Us Hooked on Drugs
From its very inception, the term “War on Drugs” was engulfed by problematic irony. The declaration was made by President Nixon in 1971, not from any concern about the disease of addiction that was...
View ArticleDiet Soda Is Bumming You Out
Enjoy it while you can, buddy. Looking for a little afternoon pick-me-up? Grab a Diet Coke. On second thought, maybe don’t. Turns out that diet drink on your office desk may be dragging you down more...
View ArticleIs Pokémon Evolving?
There’s a new Pokémon coming out for the Nintendo 3DS, and guess what? As Nintendo President Satoru Iwata points out in this 10-minute installment of “Nintendo Direct,” Iwata’s regular State of the...
View ArticleHow to Make a Coal Company Lose $300 Million With a Single Email
Here in the states at least, coal power is dying out fast. But in case you're keen to help speed the process along, what with all the catastrophic risks burning that stuff poses to the climate and...
View ArticleRelax, Underachievers: It's Not Your Brain, It's Your Poorly-Designed School
If you ever experienced the soul-crushing defeat of having a concept explained over and over again and yet you still couldn't seem to wrap your brain around it, then you'll be pleased to hear that a...
View ArticleThe Backpack That Will Turn You Into Ironman
It’s been a long time coming, mainly since whenever you saw James Cameron’s Aliens and were wowed by Ripley kicking queen alien butt using the power loader. But, while not quite as badass as the...
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