Technology Is Confusing When You've Been in Prison for 25 Years
Everyone knows what happened when Rip Van Winkle wandered off with his dog to get wasted and avoid his wife. He fell asleep and woke up 20 years later. A lot of things changed while he was asleep. His...
View ArticleWatch This Moose Make Some Norwegian Drone Team's Day
OK, OK, so they're seemingly inebriated--and very, very Norwegian. But listen to these guys! Is it possible to be anymore genuinely stoked to have happened upon a lone moose while puttering a...
View ArticleBiomimetic Lures and Infrared Subs: The Tech that Finally Snared the Giant Squid
That great dream of the deep came true yesterday: the elusive giant squid—the sperm whale warrior, the kraken—was finally caught on film. That film, natch, was promptly released in snippets that...
View ArticleFreaky Robot Baby Wants to Love You
The development of Artificial Intelligence over the years has been a bit like the development of a baby. A newborn baby pops out and it looks more alien than human. It stares blankly and malfunctions...
View ArticleThe Kinect Is Actually an Amazing Movie Camera
Remember when you would watch video games on your family's big wood-panelled tube TV, controlling your little character by mashing plastic buttons on a controller? Now, thanks to the Microsoft Kinect,...
View ArticleSleep Disorders Are the Greatest Threat to Successful Space Travel
Houston, we have a sleep disorder. That's essentially the greatest issue that faced astronauts who volunteered for a 17-month space simulation called the Mars500 project. It's not exploding oxygen...
View ArticleThe Lyrics to Super Mario's Theme Song are Super Literal
Back in 2003, Nintendo put on a production of the Super Mario theme with a big band backing with a Japanese lounge singer. The iconic song's newfangled lyrics were translated from the Japanese in...
View ArticleLibya In Vitro: Recovering from War (and Getting Pregnant Too)
After Libya's revolution in 2011, tens of thousands of citizens wounded in bloody guerilla battles needed good hospitals and doctors the war-torn country didn't have. As a quick fix, the interim...
View ArticleCensorship Protests Are Erupting in China Because No One Likes to Drink Toxic...
Last Saturday in Handan, a city of 1.3 million people in northern China, the water just turned off. The local government made the quick decision after a chemical leak that had occurred upstream five...
View ArticleThe Germans Have Giant Drone-Zapping Laser Guns
Imagine if somebody had told you 20 years ago that the future of warfare would involve missile-bearing robot planes facing off against giant laser guns on the ground. Your head would've exploded....
View ArticleThe People Who Don't Want to Have Sex With Anybody Ever
Minerva isn’t gay. A fluid conversationalist, the Massachusetts native has been artfully rehashing this point for the last three hours. "I have been told I could easily be mistaken as a lesbian" she...
View ArticleThis is What a Terraformed Mars Looks Like
Never mind those Mercurial enthusiasts who say we could survive in cities on the closest planet to the sun—our interplanetary home away from home will always be Mars. That's the primo post-moon...
View ArticleEverything Sounds Beautiful Slower
And I'm not talking about that version of Justin Bieber's "U Smile" that caught fire a few years ago after getting the "800-percent-slower" treatment, as gorgeous as it is. Sure, ratching down...
View ArticleAnyone Wanna Buy a Space Shuttle Factory?
For a while, it was tempting to hope that NASA's space shuttle program, which took off in 1981 and lived long past its original 15-year expiration date, would surpass our expectations once again and...
View ArticleNote to Google: Giving Free Internet Access to Rich People Is Not a Public...
Google has a public relations triumph on its hands in bringing free—free!—wifi to the blighted Manhattan neighborhood in Chelsea. Frequenters of upscale fashion boutiques, diners at posh restaurants,...
View ArticleLetter from CES: Holy God How Is the Cell Phone Accessories Market So Huge
One thing that immediately stands out to me in Las Vegas: since the big gadget fair isn't just for bloggers--there are hordes of industry buyers and other suspicious characters at CES--a range of...
View ArticleFloating Inside the 'Dream House'
It’s been a long, long time since there was much industry in Lower Manhattan’s Tribeca, but down on Church Street, you can still hear a pulsing, pumping drone, even if the drone and pulse is coming...
View ArticleHow to Build a Moon Base in Four Easy Steps
Yesterday, we pondered setting up civilized shop on a terraformed Mars. Today, we set our sights a bit closer to Earth's orbit. We're talking Moon bases here. Yesterday, a question got some attention...
View ArticleHow to Make a Game in 2013
It's your year to make a videogame. In 2013, making games is cheap, easy to learn and, for the first time in history, comes along with any number viable of ways for you to get your game out there....
View ArticleLetter from CES: DSLRs Aren't Cool Anymore
Last year was one hell of a year for pro and semi-pro photographers. Both Canon and Nikon, which still dominate the pro market, released brand new flagship bodies (1D X, D4), high-megapixel smaller...
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